Thomas Burnside
JS WP Project #14 – Anime GIFs Generator
In this project I was sort of following along with a course initially but then decided to take it my own direction. Also this is the first time I have used the styles and scripts embedded in the html in the Wordpress page itself rather than creating a shortcode (silly...
Frontend Design Project #3 – Social Links
Social Links Profile Jessica Randall London, United Kingdom "Front-end developer and avid reader." GitHub Frontend Mentor LinkedIn Twitter Instagram
JS WP Project #13 – API Dictionary
Input a word and it returns the definition and pronunciation. Includes error handling.
Frontend Design Project #2 – Blog Preview Card
Blog Preview Card Published 21 Dec 2023 HTML & CSS foundations These languages are the backbone of every website, defining structure, content, and presentation. Greg Hooper
JS WP Plugin #12 – Photo Gallery
Select a number between 1 and 10 and it fetches that number of photos from Unsplash via API.
Frontend Design Project #1 – QR Code Component
Created a card with a QR code and centred into the middle of the page as per design specs.
JS WP Plugin #11 – Dad Joke Generator
Press the button and it fetches one random dad joke from the API ninjas dad jokes API.
JS WP Plugin #10 – Basic Calculator
Input numbers and perform simple operations such as addition, subtraction, dividing and multiplying.
JS WP Plugin #9 – API Image Search
In this front-end application there is an asynchronous JS fetch callout to the Unsplash API. It returns 10 images and formats them nicely.
JS WP Plugin #8 – Weather API
Specify a city and it will return the current weather for that city.
JS WP Plugin #7 – Stopwatch
Click start and it will start the clock. Stop to pause it and reset to return to zero.
JS WP Plugin #6 – Rock Paper Scissors Game
Choose rock, paper or scissors and the computer will randomly select one too. Keeps track of the results.
JS WP Plugin #5 – Pomodoro Timer
Click the button to start the timer for 25-minutes. You can pause or reset it too.
JS WP Plugin #4 – Dice Roll Game
Click the button to roll the dice - it will log the results.
JS WP Plugin #3 – API Recipe Book
Upon loading the page it fetches 3 random recipes from the Spoonacular API.
JS WP Plugin #2 – Tip Calculator
Specify the bill amount and the tip percentage and it calculates the total.
JS WP Plugin #1 – Age Calculator
Specify your date of birth and it returns your age.